
Tiddlyhost support

If you have Tiddlyhost problems or need help with something, please use one of the following options:

You can also browse the existing issues in GitHub to see if there's an issue filed already for your problem. See also the Wiki and the FAQ. (Improved documentation for Tiddlyhost is planned for the future.)

TiddlyWiki support

There are a lot of information out there related to TiddlyWiki. The primary forum for asking questions is Talk TiddlyWiki but you can find additional resources via TiddlyWiki Forums and TiddlyWiki Community. You can also file issues for TiddlyWiki in GitHub here.

Feather Wiki support

If you need help with Feather Wiki, or you want to report a bug or request a feature, the best way to do that is to file an issue in Codeberg. The existing Feather Wiki issues are here.