
Templates are useful or interesting customized editions of TiddlyWiki, created by Tiddlyhost users, that you can copy and use for yourself. Click "Clone" to create a site on Tiddlyhost using a template, or click "Download" to download a copy to use locally.

5.3.3 · 2.55 MB
kuba1285 1 clones, 2 months ago
Un savoir qui dure toute la vie, au plus profond de votre esprit. Adoptant le concept avancé d'Apprentissage progressif, Tidme est le deuxième cerveau qui vous aide à acquérir des connaissances tout au long de votre vie.
5.3.3 · 4.27 MB
oflg 3 clones, 7 months ago
Present a navigable conversation from a chatGPT conversation exported using superpower chatgpt browser extension
5.3.3 · 3.66 MB
stevesuny 1 clones, 4 months ago
Intertwingled Innovations - Open Source Development for TiddlyWiki
5.2.3 · 3.57 MB
miquelinux 1 clones, 4 months ago
Mehregan is a personal knowledge management (PKM) app with Zettelkasten approach.
5.2.7 · 3.5 MB
kookma 79 clones, over 1 year ago
My blog & custom tiddlywiki edition. Links icons, favicon, scroll indicator, upload button (RSS/Image/save to GitHub), theme switcher, etc. & plugins/theme.
5.2.6-prerelease · 363 KB
Telumire 278 clones, 9 months ago
5.2.5 · 2.27 MB
pdostalik 6 clones, over 1 year ago
5.1.13 · 2.52 MB
tiddlyadan 20 clones, 10 months ago
historical frieze
5.3.3 · 4 MB
rondou75 0 clones, 24 days ago
external core and default themes minified with uglify + terser
5.3.0-prerelease · 10.5 KB
Telumire 5 clones, over 1 year ago
External core version of MPTW5. Smaller, faster.
5.3.5 · 114 KB
Simon 133 clones, 2 months ago
Una plantilla base que recoge varios personalizaciones de la comunidad de Grafoscopio (https://mutabit.com/grafoscopio), nacida en el Hackerspace HackBo (https://hackbo.org)
5.2.3 · 6.01 MB
Offray 15 clones, 3 months ago
Cool Tiddlywiki - perfect for taking notes. With transparent tiddlers, TagCloud ToDo-List, Trashbin, reduced-header font/icon-size and lots of other TiddlerCheats, in German and English.
5.3.1 · 3.18 MB
stelzi 118 clones, 8 months ago
You can use this template of Russian wiki to build ready-to-publish wiki of your book, story or even your own Universe. There are different page templates and solutions for these goals and automation. Вики на русском языке, готова для писателей, которые хотят структурировать свой мир. Есть уже готовые разделы и структура, а также некоторые шаблоны и помощь. Автор: inxaoc@gmail.com
5.2.2 · 3.99 MB
inxaoc 0 clones, 7 months ago
empty beginners template with plugins and themes
5.3.3 · 2 MB
arciniea 42 clones, 9 months ago
Digital Personal Development Youth Guidebook
5.2.5 · 6.4 MB
DolphinHansen 6 clones, over 1 year ago
Self-contained version of GSD5 created by Roma Hicks. See also https://gsd5.tiddlyhost.com/
5.3.5 · 2.58 MB
Simon 14 clones, 1 month ago