
Templates are useful or interesting customized editions of TiddlyWiki, created by Tiddlyhost users, that you can copy and use for yourself. Click "Clone" to create a site on Tiddlyhost using a template, or click "Download" to download a copy to use locally.

The templates that help wiki creations with extension library, somethings. External core.
5.3.3 · 1.41 MB
Googol 0 clones, 3 months ago
TiddlyWiki template used by YourOnly.One. * Basic. * Left to default as much as possible. * Few non-core plugins.
5.3.5 · 601 KB
youronlyone-ofcl 1 clones, 4 days ago
5.3.3 · 2.55 MB
kuba1285 1 clones, 2 months ago
A small tiddlywiki (14ko)
5.3.3 · 13.7 KB
Telumire 6 clones, 6 months ago
Demo on how to create a point and click game
5.3.4-prerelease · 1.01 MB
Telumire 0 clones, 3 months ago
Work-in-progress starter template as per my personal preferences.
5.3.3 · 6.61 MB
extratone 7 clones, 6 months ago
empty beginners template with plugins and themes
5.3.3 · 2 MB
arciniea 42 clones, 9 months ago
External core version of GSD5 created by Roma Hicks. See also https://gsd5.tiddlyhost.com/
5.3.5 · 243 KB
Simon 33 clones, 1 month ago
Unofficial Tiddlyhost template for Soren's TiddlyZettelKasten.
5.3.0 · 707 KB
Telumire 48 clones, 1 year ago
external core and default themes minified with uglify + terser
5.3.0-prerelease · 10.5 KB
Telumire 5 clones, over 1 year ago
5.2.7 · 1.36 MB
chen 1 clones, over 1 year ago
Plugin Lifecycle Management - Build & Upload plugins to GitHub with one click. Mirror: https://designthinkerer.github.io/tw/plm
5.3.6-prerelease · 401 KB
Telumire 22 clones, 15 days ago
A proof of concept
5.2.5 · 101 KB
tchuffart 25 clones, over 1 year ago
External core version of MPTW5. Smaller, faster.
5.3.5 · 114 KB
Simon 133 clones, 2 months ago
Lighter tiddlywiki without the javascript core. The javascript is hosted at https://www.telumire.be/TW/tiddlywikicore-5.2.5.js
5.2.5 · 102 KB
Telumire 20 clones, over 1 year ago
My blog & custom tiddlywiki edition. Links icons, favicon, scroll indicator, upload button (RSS/Image/save to GitHub), theme switcher, etc. & plugins/theme.
5.2.6-prerelease · 363 KB
Telumire 278 clones, 9 months ago