
Templates are useful or interesting customized editions of TiddlyWiki, created by Tiddlyhost users, that you can copy and use for yourself. Click "Clone" to create a site on Tiddlyhost using a template, or click "Download" to download a copy to use locally.

A modern tiddlywiki demonstration
5.3.5 · 4.8 MB
oeyoews 395 clones, 3 days ago
The Lean Production System(s) Library
5.3.5 · 51.2 MB
Armando Caravante 7 clones, 18 hours ago
An easy TiddlyWiki starting edition (with top menu bar, table of contents, favorites, smart search ...).
5.2.7 · 3.06 MB
Eskha 154 clones, 10 months ago
Light customizations related to using tags to organize tiddlers in a hierarchy. Inspired by MPTW.
5.3.5 · 2.45 MB
Simon 422 clones, 2 months ago
An example of a Tiddly Wiki Standard edition = Empty Plus some key configuration, clone here
5.3.3 · 3.21 MB
tones 314 clones, 8 months ago
Cool Tiddlywiki - perfect for taking notes. With transparent tiddlers, TagCloud ToDo-List, Trashbin, reduced-header font/icon-size and lots of other TiddlerCheats, in German and English.
5.3.1 · 3.18 MB
stelzi 118 clones, 8 months ago
Volantis edition is a repack of Adam Sherwood Volant and Volant-Rapid for TiddlyWiki 5.2.7+. Volantis gives your tiddlers wings to fly.
5.2.7 · 3.75 MB
kookma 31 clones, over 1 year ago
neotw empty version
5.2.6-prerelease · 5.4 MB
oeyoews 67 clones, over 1 year ago
Tidme uses advanced Incremental Learning concepts to make it your powerful second brain for acquiring lifelong knowledge.
5.3.3 · 4.22 MB
oflg 36 clones, 7 months ago
The Book of Mormon, in tiddlywiki format. Text obtained from the Gutenberg Project www.gutenberg.org. Uses "Stroll" to enhance the user's experience.
5.3.0 · 4.21 MB
DolphinHansen 13 clones, 1 year ago
Mehregan is a personal knowledge management (PKM) app with Zettelkasten approach.
5.2.7 · 3.5 MB
kookma 79 clones, over 1 year ago
simple To-Do with tasks assigned to projects
5.3.5 · 2.63 MB
jens 16 clones, 1 month ago
Digital Personal Development Youth Guidebook
5.2.5 · 6.4 MB
DolphinHansen 6 clones, over 1 year ago
L. T Baum's book in TiddlyWiki format.
5.2.5 · 2.87 MB
DolphinHansen 22 clones, over 1 year ago
A campaign manager based on Delphes' template + the Campaign Manager plugin with random table tiddler generators.
5.3.5 · 3.57 MB
TheGiftOfGabes 2 clones, 1 month ago
We find that recipes seem to disappear or are no longer available as time goes on. This is a back up of K's most used and favorite recipes.
5.3.0 · 2.72 MB
DolphinHansen 21 clones, 1 month ago
5.2.5 · 4.51 MB
psyyt6 1 clones, over 1 year ago
A ttrpg tiddlywiki, primarily for hosting a plugin to create, manage and easily access "skeleton tiddlers".
5.3.3 · 3.56 MB
chaosweaver 39 clones, 3 months ago