
Templates are useful or interesting customized editions of TiddlyWiki, created by Tiddlyhost users, that you can copy and use for yourself. Click "Clone" to create a site on Tiddlyhost using a template, or click "Download" to download a copy to use locally.

Intertwingled Innovations - Open Source Development for TiddlyWiki
5.2.3 · 3.57 MB
miquelinux 1 clones, 4 months ago
5.3.3 · 11.1 MB
psyfield 4 clones, 4 months ago
5.3.4-prerelease · 2.38 MB
Zoki 0 clones
TiddlyWiki Japanese Template 日本語テンプレート
5.3.5 · 2.81 MB
balloon 9 clones, 4 days ago
A modern tiddlywiki demonstration
5.3.5 · 4.8 MB
oeyoews 395 clones, 3 days ago
An easy TiddlyWiki starting edition (with top menu bar, table of contents, favorites, smart search ...).
5.2.7 · 3.06 MB
Eskha 154 clones, 10 months ago
a tiddlywiki calendar
5.3.3 · 1.33 MB
hoopyfrood 0 clones, 6 months ago
An example of a Tiddly Wiki Standard edition = Empty Plus some key configuration, clone here
5.3.3 · 3.21 MB
tones 314 clones, 8 months ago
5.3.5 · 2.55 MB
ajarmund 1 clones, 1 month ago
a technique for annotating conversations conducted in gemini advanced
5.3.3 · 2.41 MB
stevesuny 2 clones, 4 months ago
Cool Tiddlywiki - perfect for taking notes. With transparent tiddlers, TagCloud ToDo-List, Trashbin, reduced-header font/icon-size and lots of other TiddlerCheats, in German and English.
5.3.1 · 3.18 MB
stelzi 118 clones, 8 months ago
5.3.3 · 2.61 MB
mgibbs7 16 clones, 8 months ago
Light customizations related to using tags to organize tiddlers in a hierarchy. Inspired by MPTW.
5.3.5 · 2.45 MB
Simon 422 clones, 2 months ago
Processes zip file created by superpower chatgpt extension with included python script, to generate json file importable as tiddlers, one tiddler per prompt or response, with fields to create threads based on conversations
5.3.3 · 4.47 MB
stevesuny 7 clones, 4 months ago
Mehregan is a personal knowledge management (PKM) app with Zettelkasten approach.
5.2.7 · 3.5 MB
kookma 79 clones, over 1 year ago
simple To-Do with tasks assigned to projects
5.3.5 · 2.63 MB
jens 16 clones, 1 month ago
5.3.3 · 4.25 MB
oflg 33 clones, 7 months ago