
Templates are useful or interesting customized editions of TiddlyWiki, created by Tiddlyhost users, that you can copy and use for yourself. Click "Clone" to create a site on Tiddlyhost using a template, or click "Download" to download a copy to use locally.

Test of Grok TiddlyWiki on TiddlyHost – old version
5.3.5 · 5.13 MB
sobjornstad 1 clones, 22 days ago
5.3.5 · 2.55 MB
ajarmund 1 clones, 1 month ago
The default template for TidGi app, an opensource Notion Evernote Obsidian alternative.
5.3.5 · 13.8 MB
linonetwo 3 clones, 2 months ago
A campaign manager based on Delphes' template + the Campaign Manager plugin with random table tiddler generators.
5.3.5 · 3.57 MB
TheGiftOfGabes 2 clones, 1 month ago
a technique for annotating conversations conducted in gemini advanced
5.3.3 · 2.41 MB
stevesuny 2 clones, 4 months ago
5.3.3 · 2.42 MB
jackkytan 3 clones, 4 months ago
Intertwingled Innovations - Open Source Development for TiddlyWiki
5.2.3 · 3.57 MB
miquelinux 1 clones, 4 months ago
5.3.3 · 11.1 MB
psyfield 4 clones, 4 months ago
TiddlyWiki, TW5, català, catalan, groktiddlywiki,
5.2.1 · 5.24 MB
tiddlyadan 5 clones, 4 months ago
Processes zip file created by superpower chatgpt extension with included python script, to generate json file importable as tiddlers, one tiddler per prompt or response, with fields to create threads based on conversations
5.3.3 · 4.47 MB
stevesuny 7 clones, 4 months ago
a tiddlywiki calendar
5.3.3 · 1.33 MB
hoopyfrood 0 clones, 6 months ago
Present a navigable conversation from a chatGPT conversation exported using superpower chatgpt browser extension
5.3.3 · 3.66 MB
stevesuny 1 clones, 4 months ago
Un savoir qui dure toute la vie, au plus profond de votre esprit. Adoptant le concept avancé d'Apprentissage progressif, Tidme est le deuxième cerveau qui vous aide à acquérir des connaissances tout au long de votre vie.
5.3.3 · 4.27 MB
oflg 3 clones, 7 months ago
5.3.3 · 4.25 MB
oflg 33 clones, 7 months ago
5.3.4-prerelease · 2.38 MB
Zoki 0 clones
First Tiddly mainly checklists for now
5.3.3 · 2.38 MB
GreatGreenhorn 0 clones
Una plantilla base que recoge varios personalizaciones de la comunidad de Grafoscopio (https://mutabit.com/grafoscopio), nacida en el Hackerspace HackBo (https://hackbo.org)
5.2.3 · 6.01 MB
Offray 15 clones, 3 months ago