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Templates tagged with personal.

Digital Personal Development Youth Guidebook
5.2.5 · 6.40 MB
DolphinHansen 817 views, 1 year ago
We find that recipes seem to disappear or are no longer available as time goes on. This is a back up of K's most used and favorite recipes.
5.3.0 · 2.72 MB
DolphinHansen 619 views, 23 days ago
The Pearl of Great Price, in tiddlywiki format.
5.3.0 · 4.94 MB
DolphinHansen 277 views, 7 months ago
The Book of Mormon, in tiddlywiki format. Text obtained from the Gutenberg Project Uses "Stroll" to enhance the user's experience.
5.3.0 · 4.21 MB
DolphinHansen 1.1K views, 8 months ago
Cool Tiddlywiki - perfect for taking notes. With transparent tiddlers, TagCloud ToDo-List, Trashbin, reduced-header font/icon-size and lots of other TiddlerCheats, in German and English.
5.3.1 · 3.18 MB
stelzi 2.2K views, 3 months ago